Auction overview

Auction: 37. 2022-791 - Indigo-Cream Grizzle Cock
Description: Here is a very interesting bird for the colour enthusiast!

He appears indigo bar but has cream feathers and displays grizzle. He came from an egg Justin found on the floor so not sure of parentage. Justin also hatched a hen from another egg he found with similar colouring. He paired them together and they produced at least one youngster with the same colour expression. 791 is actually a very nice refined bird with nice chain extension and hard feather.

A fun bird to work. His mate would also be available.
Lowest price: USD 250,- (~ EUR 249)
Auction ends: The auction has ended
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Highest bid: USD 250,- (~ EUR 249)


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User-id: Bid: Date:
9292 USD 250,- (~ EUR 249) 03-10-2023 21:02:56

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