Auction overview

Auction: 34. 2022-705 - Cream Hen
Description: Best Young Cream CNJS 2023!

This hen was 1st in her class and attracted a lot of attention in what was one of the most impressive classes at the National. She is pictured here in a full moult but you can still see her beautiful outline and great colour. She is very impressive by anyone's standards and ranks as one of the best bar hens Justin has ever bred or bred from.

A bar hen of this caliber is almost impossible to find.
Lowest price: USD 250,- (~ EUR 249)
Auction ends: The auction has ended
Time left:
Attached files:

Picture (283 KB)
Highest bid: USD 525,- (~ EUR 522)


You cannot bid on this auction because it has ended

All bids:

User-id: Bid: Date:
19820 USD 525,- (~ EUR 522) 05-10-2023 18:57:09
9101 USD 500,- (~ EUR 498) 04-10-2023 12:45:48
17031 USD 450,- (~ EUR 448) 03-10-2023 22:37:19
9101 USD 400,- (~ EUR 398) 01-10-2023 18:03:37
8750 USD 250,- (~ EUR 249) 29-09-2023 05:24:07

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