Auction overview

Auction: 31. 2022-570 - Black Cock
Description: You can appreciate the hard, dense, beautiful fitting feather on this cock. He has good black colour and a very nice rose. A bird that always looks great in the loft and in the show pen. He was one of my top breeders this season.

He was mated to the black hen 557-22 also in the auction . Some dynamite young blacks from this pair.
Lowest price: USD 250,- (~ EUR 249)
Auction ends: The auction has ended
Time left:
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Picture (215 KB)
Highest bid: USD 550,- (~ EUR 547)


You cannot bid on this auction because it has ended

All bids:

User-id: Bid: Date:
19842 USD 550,- (~ EUR 547) 04-10-2023 22:36:40
19841 USD 300,- (~ EUR 299) 04-10-2023 14:56:43
8746 USD 275,- (~ EUR 274) 04-10-2023 05:07:04
19841 USD 250,- (~ EUR 249) 03-10-2023 01:47:40

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