Auction overview

Auction: 23. 2022-523 - White Cock
Description: Here is a white cock with power!

Use him to ad feather and wealth. He was always impressive and I knew I had to use him in my white program.

He was mated to the beautiful white hen #530-22 also in the auction.
Lowest price: USD 250,- (~ EUR 249)
Auction ends: The auction has ended
Time left:
Attached files:

Picture (252 KB)
Highest bid: USD 350,- (~ EUR 348)


You cannot bid on this auction because it has ended

All bids:

User-id: Bid: Date:
11293 USD 350,- (~ EUR 348) 05-10-2023 18:55:08
19813 USD 325,- (~ EUR 323) 05-10-2023 18:48:45
19838 USD 300,- (~ EUR 299) 04-10-2023 15:37:13
8746 USD 275,- (~ EUR 274) 04-10-2023 15:33:54
19838 USD 250,- (~ EUR 249) 04-10-2023 13:40:21

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