Auction overview

Auction: 19. 2022-584 - Black Splash Hen
Description: 584 is has nice tight feather with good chain and hood structure!

She is a sound versatile breeding hen. I really enjoy good coloured Black Splashes. This hen is from a Black cock onto a white hen.

I had her mated back to a type black cock #597-22 and they produced both blacks and black splashes.
Lowest price: USD 250,- (~ EUR 249)
Auction ends: The auction has ended
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Picture (326 KB)
Highest bid: USD 425,- (~ EUR 423)


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All bids:

User-id: Bid: Date:
8811 USD 425,- (~ EUR 423) 05-10-2023 07:12:05
8746 USD 400,- (~ EUR 398) 04-10-2023 13:39:04
19838 USD 350,- (~ EUR 348) 04-10-2023 13:31:11
8746 USD 325,- (~ EUR 323) 04-10-2023 12:00:07
19838 USD 300,- (~ EUR 299) 04-10-2023 00:19:58
19837 USD 275,- (~ EUR 274) 01-10-2023 19:42:18
19833 USD 250,- (~ EUR 249) 30-09-2023 21:54:48

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