Auction overview

Auction: 10. 2022-524 - Andalusian Hen
Description: Best Andalusian Canadian National

Look at the stunning colour of this hen. She is very slender and is always up on her toes. She has a very nice whip-in with a strong hood and lots of top feather. I like this hen a lot.
She was mated to a powerful Black Cock 632-22.
Lowest price: USD 250,- (~ EUR 249)
Auction ends: The auction has ended
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Picture (286 KB)
Highest bid: USD 500,- (~ EUR 498)


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All bids:

User-id: Bid: Date:
19838 USD 500,- (~ EUR 498) 04-10-2023 13:58:03
8746 USD 425,- (~ EUR 423) 04-10-2023 13:20:26
19838 USD 400,- (~ EUR 398) 04-10-2023 12:06:27
9292 USD 375,- (~ EUR 373) 03-10-2023 20:50:54
19838 USD 300,- (~ EUR 299) 30-09-2023 21:21:27
19837 USD 275,- (~ EUR 274) 30-09-2023 21:20:25
19838 USD 250,- (~ EUR 249) 30-09-2023 20:51:05

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